
Tar ter

Because that's what he calls himself. Sorry Grandma, we're working on the "ka" sound but for now it's pretty cute. Look at that hair! I love it. I hope it lasts. So far, Carter's hair has been blondest longest so I'm crossing my fingers. This little guy is a monkey! (But I guess all two year old's are...) In my family we joke that Heavenly Father makes two year old's so cute so that you won't throw them out the window in frustration when they won't get in their car seat. Or sit on the potty. No, chocolate doesn't work for this Watson. What's wrong with him?! But he is the most cuddly one of all my boys. Here is me and Carter enjoying a big squeeze. I've always lamented that none of my boys wants to hold my hand. Carter won't do that either - too busy running - but he loves to give me hugs and kisses which I enjoy immensely. It almost makes me not care that he won't sit on the potty.
I love this little boy and hope he will let me "hold ju" forever. Or at least until high school. That could get embarrassing.


Erica said...

Cute Tarter sauce! I can't wait to squeeze them next week! How cute are those pictures! Love your new blog!

Erica said...

Way to go on your Natarajasana! That is awesome-too bad you are wearing black so I can't totally see the split but that is SO good!

nikki said...

I know - he is the squeeziest! Thanks for posting, it's real fun to hear from you. You're sure Natarajasana is ok? I kind of felt dorky posting it but my friend took it and I thought, why not? You're right about the quality not being the best but maybe I'll take another one someday. Thanks for the pat on the back! :) That always feels good!

Amy said...

You figured it out! Good job, I'm impressed. It looks good!
Those pics of Carter are so cute. So far Owen is so affectionate too, I hope he always is. There is nothing better in this whole world then a big squeeze around the neck, shortly followed by an open mouth kiss. I wish we all could be there for Jake's baptism. I just barely got the pictures from our trip there almost a year ago and I was thinking how much I wanted to come for a visit. I also will give you props for Natarnananana. Beautiful. Maybe I should have sent an email, this comment is so long. Love you!

Jessica said...

Hi Nikki! I just had to comment on how big Carter looks. He is adorable! I can't believe he's two. Brynn is going to be two this summer as well. They aren't babies anymore! :-(

Carrie said...

Super cute background! And super cute Tartar! His hair is fabulous! It's crazy that it's staying so long! All cuddles and squeezes from children is so great! Cute pictures...does your blog prompt you to take more pictures? I'm so impressed with your frequency! You never thought you'd like it and you do, huh! :)

ps..Good job on your Natannnnnaana, and I think it's fun for you to post! We don't get to see you daily for you to show us this stuff! That's why these blogs are so fun - way more frequent updates! Yay!

Carrie said...

And I love that his nay-nay is in the background of the top picture! Does he still call it that?

Sally said...

Nikki! I didn't know that you were blogging now. I love it. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Carter is so dang cute! Isn't the cuddly stage so much fun. Livi has never really been that cuddly with me until lately. She gave me 5 hugs before I left her at Amy's today.