
Baptism Day

What a special day! We were so happy to have family and friends there to celebrate with us. We were thinking a lot about those of you who couldn't come and appreciated all of the fond wishes you sent Jake's way. The baptism program was so nice. Grandma Motley gave a talk on baptism and reminded the boys to "keep their pennies shiny." Grandpa Motley gave a talk on the gift of the Holy Ghost and talked about his blue bike and the importance of truly receiving a gift. While the boys and their fathers changed out of their clothes, our family and friends took a moment to write their testimony or some words of encouragement for the boys to keep to remember this day. Surprisingly, I did a good job keeping the tears in check! I only cried as I watched Patrick lower Jake under the water and after the program was over - when I had a chance to give Jake a big squeeze from his mom! It was a great day and sort of strange too. I felt like it kind of marked the beginning of my kids getting old. But most of all, I'm so proud that Jake was willing to follow in our Savior's footsteps and take this most important first step toward returning to Him. I feel grateful to be his mom.
Jake, Sean, and Roy before their baptism
Patrick and Jake
Jake with Grandpa and Grandma Motley
Jake and Aunt Erica Jake with Uncle Chris and Aunt Lindsay
The happy and proud Watson family!
Carter, Patrick, Dylan, Jake, and Nikki


Carrie said...

Oh my goodness - what a cute grown up kid! What a great looking family!!! All of em! I can't believe you did so good on the crying bit...last weekend...at Shannon's I even cried. Some of it was because I knew Jake's was just the next week too!

Amy said...

We are so proud of Jake! You guys have the most handsome family I've ever seen! Everyone in all the pics look so beautiful and happy! I love that your a blogger now because I can get a detailed look into everything that is going on and everything that I miss because I'm so far away. I'll change your blog back...tell Patrick simple is boring. As long as your not over the top and can still read the text...it's good to have a little flare! He should know that Mr. Graphic Designer!

Erica said...

Cute pictures! Is the top one at Watson Lake? I had such a fun time! It was fun getting to see my oldest nephew get baptized-Jake is such a good kid. But I do have to say that Dylan "reading" the BOM when we got home from the baptism was classic! I love your boys! that drive is not bad so we need to do that more often.

jewly said...

Congratulations! I wish we were able to attend the Baptism. It looks like everything was perfect.