
Pinewood Derby

Saturday was our first Pinewood Derby and what we have learned is - our cool looking car is not fast!! This is Jake's "i-Car" - hanging out by Patrick's old Pinewood Derby car that he dug out of a box. The kids got a kick out of seeing his old car. We got the idea for the i-Car from designmom.com, which is a cool blog by a girl I knew at BYU. Of course, Patrick the designer extraordinaire executed it to perfection. They had a really fun time working on it. However, we discovered we had a lot to learn in the art of speed.Before we could begin, Jake had to officially be welcomed into the Wolf Den. The tradition is to flip the Scout over and put their neckerchief slide on upside down. When they do a good deed, they get to turn it right side up.
Patrick and Jake outside the church at the "pit stop", putting a little graphite on the wheels.
Some of the cars in the race. Number 4 was the winner.
The boys sat here until their car number was called for their next race. Then they took their car and placed it on a lane on the track. Each car raced 6 times and an average was taken of all the races.The Wolf Den anxiously awaiting their cars at the finish line.

Jake is such a good sport and didn't seem too bummed about his car being so slow. I wasn't too worried about it because I thought for sure he would win the award for "coolest car." Unfortunately, he didn't win that either. I don't know why - there definitely was a lot of buzz about the car that looked like an i-Pod. But afterwards, Patrick told me he didn't even vote! What?! Maybe next year our family will have to try harder to stack the odds in our favor.


Amy said...

That looks like a lot of fun. What a fun father son activity/bonding. Too bad Jake's car didn't win anything. Glad that he was a good sport about everything.

Carrie said...

How adorable! It's really funny to me to see Jake at these milestones because I recently looked at pictures of Scott from when he was around the same age - baptism and scout stuff...so to see them at the same age doing the same stuff is pretty wild! When it's my own kids, woa! While I know nothing about scouts, I expect to have that calling for years in the future since I've got (almost) the three Motley boys...and a friend has told me her favorite is the rain gutter regatta. Sounds like some fun stuff! Cool that Patrick still has his car!

Anonymous said...

An i-pod derby car? How cool is THAT! That definitely deserves some type of award. Still, what a fun memory for the boys(big and little!)

Anonymous said...

Do you have an e-mail address I can contact you at? Mine is taytwinkletoes@yahoo.com

Zoo Keeper said...

LOVE THE IPOD car! So did Chad! Way to go Patrick and Jake! We miss you guys!

Erica said...

How cool is that car?! Good job Jake and Patrick. Sad it didn't win, better luck next year.

The Ryan Family said...

That is a really cool car...I bet everyone loved it. I can't believe he is in scouts. Pretty soon we'll be saying...I can't believe they are getting ready for their missions. Scary! It was good to hang out with you guys at Gage's bday party. Thanks for coming.