
Easter Sunday

Hope you all had a Happy Easter! We enjoyed our day and appreciated the opportunity to reflect on the resurrection of our Savior. Here are the boys in their cute Easter outfits - thanks Grandma and Grandpa Motley! This is the best picture we could capture. Carter was grumpy and did not want his shoes on.

This is our egg hunt before church. It was really windy - which hopefully explains the weird faces. Jake and Dylan were nice enough to leave the easy eggs for Carter. I got a kick out of watching Carter really get the concept this year. He got so excited over each egg he found.
Once he picked up a golf ball and realized - oops! That's not an egg! He quickly put it down to go try and find some more.

Carter with bed head having fun finding eggs.Enjoying the candy - of course before breakfast!
A close up of the goods.

Church was really good - a nice Easter program and my lesson went fairly well. I always enjoy singing the Easter hymns that we only get to sing once a year. We finished the day with dinner at the Mumfords. Always a good time - we are so lucky to have such great friends. We are missing all our family and hope your holiday was wonderful!


Carrie said...

Aww! Love the cute Easter boys! We sure miss you guys!

Amy said...

The boys look so cute. Mom told me Carter and Owen would be twins. I love it. I'm glad your lesson went well. I too love singing Easter hymns... Halleluja!!! Is that how you spell that?

Erica said...

That is the cutest picture of Carter with his bed head! I love it! You got some great pictures. I love that they could wait to do they egg hunt just like we all used to!

Ashley Elizabeth said...

Sounds like a great Easter. I love that idea of having the hunt outside. I am curious does the Easter bunny hide the eggs the night before or in the morning? I love the picture of the boys, its impossible to get everyone to smile and be happy at the same time isnt it.

nikki said...

The easter bunny hides the eggs the night before unless he forgets then he quickly does them in the morning. :) This time he remembered to do them the night before!

Anonymous said...

Nikki- love your blog! I need help to make mine cuter! I am still learning! Your boys are huge! I can't believe how big they are. We want to come visit soon! Hopefully before it is too hot out there!!