I hope all you awesome mothers out there had a great day! Mom's are truly awesome (I know because I have the very best one) and I hope you know how much I appreciate all that you do - you all are great examples to me! My kids were so cute to me that I wanted to share and mostly journal about it so I wouldn't forget. My day started on Friday when Dylan brought his gift home from school. They had painted flowerpots and put ladybug thumbprints all over them. The finishing touch was some darling yellow flowers.

But my favorite part of my gift from Dylan was that his teacher, Miss Mechelle, asked them questions about their moms and wrote down their answers.
What's your mom's name? Nikki
What does she do? Yoga
How old is she? 33
How does daddy call mom? Honey
What is her favorite color? Red
What is her favorite food? Strawberries
What is her favorite movie? Hannah Montana
How many brothers and sisters does she have? Five brothers and five sisters
Where does she like to take you for fun? The park, Sport Chalet, Walmart
What message do you want to send her for Mother's Day? I love you!
I got a kick out of his answers - some for their accuracy (yes, I am 33) and some because they weren't (I think Hannah Montana is the only "girly" movie he could think of and I don't have quite that many siblings). I love you too Dylan!
I got a kick out of his answers - some for their accuracy (yes, I am 33) and some because they weren't (I think Hannah Montana is the only "girly" movie he could think of and I don't have quite that many siblings). I love you too Dylan!
Sunday morning was great - mostly for the sleeping in until 8 am and that breakfast was french toast with strawberries on top. Yummy! The kids woke me up with Mother's Day wishes and cute homemade cards.

Here's me and Jake with the stuff he made me at school. In the middle is a bouquet of his hands which have coupons in them for things he wants to help me do. The blue book is kind of a poem book with some different things about mothers. Here are some highlights:
Dear Mom,
I love you. I like when you cook dinner. You are the best mom in the world. I do not want another mom.
Love, Jake
Some things I love about my mom:
- Loves
- Cares
- Cooks
- Helps
- Keeps me safe
- Has fun
- Gave me my name
- Cleans up the house
But the best thing about my mom is she encourages me.
I love you too, Jake!
Here's me and silly Carter who was almost too busy to sit still. He ran around all day saying, "Happy Mother's Day!" every time he saw me. Adorableness. I so appreciate the joy he brings to my life with all his happiness and I can't wait to hear what he would say about me!
Thanks to my great hubby I had a very relaxing day and went out with a girlfriend on Saturday night while he shopped with the boys for Sunday dinner (which he pretty much prepared all by himself).
Most of all, I am so glad I get to be a mother and despite the tedious, messy, and frazzled times, there is absolutely nothing else I would rather do. Thanks for tolerating me, guys - because I'm happiest when I'm with you! I love you!
I love your Mothers Day pics!! The boys are so cute and the things they wrote about you are priceless.
Your boys are so sweet! Happy Mother's Day.
My favorite is that Jake said that he doesn't want another mom. That is so cute! Such cute pictures. Happy mothers day to ya!
I love Dylan's preschool teacher and the interview she does with the kids! I seem to remember that Jake had a different preschool teacher, but did something almost identical for Mothers Day...and he knew how much you loved Spagetti. So cute. I'm impressed Dyl knew exactly how old you were. The Hanna Montana part is hilarious! Cute boys. Happy Mothers Day to you!
Thanks for such a great Mother's Day, we had so much fun with you guys. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much! Dinner was fabulous, I had no idea Patrick was such a chef! Thanks!
LOL at Dylan's answers! I can only imagine what the teacher was thinking while Dylan says Hannah Montana and takes me to Walmart for fun! I'm still LOL. So cute! I can't wait till Owen can express to me what he's thinking about. You have some amazing sons, and you are an amazing mom! I look up to you in more ways than you know. Happy Mother's Day indeed!
Oh, those are the cutest things ever! I love it! Yeah Hannah Montana is amazing and that you have 5 bros and sis. He probably knew that there were five of us. I really think it is the cutest things to have those recorded! And way to go on the new yoga poise you have on here. How do you get into that one? Happy Mother's Day!
In: Go from a backbend down to your head then get on your elbows and lift your head back up, pushing down through your shoulders. Then straighten your legs.
Out: Reverse.
Hee hee! :) Maybe you didn't want a play by play but I gave it to you anyways!
Did you have such an awesome Mexico trip? I have sooo much jealously. I love vacations!
Love you!
You and your boys are too cute. I'm glad your Mother's Day was fab!!
I forgot to add that I love how Carter is still wearing the pillowcase cape! Hillarious!
SO adorable. The best thing I love about Mother's Day is the cute things the kids make at school. I am glad Jake does not want another mother! :) Very sweet. Glad you had a nice Mother's Day!
p.s. You will have to let me know if you like "A Thousand Splendid Suns." My friend just lent me her copy. It's in the queue!
Also I finished "The Memory Keeper's Daughter". I thought it was... poignant. Did you find it ironical that the only happy life seemed to be the daughter with Down's?
Oh, and btw... I am currently reading "The Time Traveler's Wife" and a few of my neighbors out here are appalled that I am reading such racey material. I actually think it's pretty good stuff! So scandalous, right?!!
Very cute and lovable. They really can be sentimental when they want to. Love you Nikki!!! I love all your great comments you leave on my blog. Really picks me up!
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