
high desert all stars tops team

At the end of spring baseball, Jake was nominated to play on the second of 2 All Star teams for the 9-10 year olds. Since Little League limited our district to only one team this year, the second team played in the TOPS tournament against some other All Star teams. It was a good experience for Jake - getting to practice a lot and play some fun games against other kids in the valley.

I am annoyed by the fact that in all of these Jake has sunflower seed cheeks.

This is the team lined up for the national anthem. I loved their uniforms and how this picture looked with all their names on the back. It was definitely a fun part for the kids - before the first game they announced the team one by one and called out their numbers. When I asked him, Jake said his best memories of the tournament was a tough catch playing center and hitting his stand-up triple!


Karen M. said...

Hurray-the baseball pictures are here! I love the sunflower seed cheeks but I have to admit that the picture of Jake in his all-star uniform on my desk is a little cuter than his chipmunk cheeks one with his team. Does he have the whole bag in there?

Erica said...

Amazing kid when it comes to all sports...this is so fun for him! And even more talented is the fact that he can do the sunflower cheek thing. Must be a guy thing, cause I can't do it.

Carrie said...

That's pretty awesome he got chosen for the allstar team! Though with how much he loves it and wants to play so much, I'm not surprised! Way to go Jake!

Mary and Ryan said...

There is nothing cuter than a boy in a uniform:) So awesome he made allstars!!!

Amy said...

Chipmunk Cheek Jake. That can be his new name :) I was actually thinking something was wrong until I read the explaination. Mumps? Oh nope... sunflower seeds. Hahaha. He's a stud!

Jer and Cam said...

I am so loving your Jake and the fact that he's talking to me a bit more nowadays! He is a studly little athlete and he's got the most amazing parents who do everything to support him! What a lucky kiddo!

JaMie HeApS said...

now i see why cuters is wanting him to show off there goods.. he looks so studly. let the season begin, i have a feeling we gots lots of nights out on those basball fields.