
we're ready for school and have the haircuts to prove it

The boys have gone all summer without a haircut. Well, that's not entirely true - my mom gave them a little trimmer when we were visiting. Which was good because otherwise they would have been completely unrecognizable. I think they liked their surfer/skater hair but it was time to clean up for back to school. Jake was the one that was the most sad about his long hair being gone. Dylan wished his bangs were still long enough to flip. Carter was happy immediately with the results. He kept telling me, "Mom, I look different." He was saying the same thing when he was watching Jake and Dylan get their cuts. "Mom, my brother's look different."

They look super handsome to me. And I like that I don't have to fight over getting it brushed.


Paige said...

your boys are seriously the cutest boys ever. They are going to be heart breakers.

Lynnette said...

They look so handsome! I love how none of them are smiling. Little tough guys! Kate is super excited to start preschool with Carter next week.

Carrie said...

Awww! Definitly handsome haircuts! I'd love to see the before pics too:)
We so love you guys and miss you lots! And yes, what tough guys too!

Sarah said...

Looking Good! Were Jake and Dylan as blonde as Carter when they were his age? Look forward to bumping into you at pick up again soon.

Amy said...

I'm laughing right now because those pictures say it all! Just like how you explained. Carter totally looks GQ modeling his new do (the eye squint and all, so cute!). Dylan looks indiferent to a little mad and Jake looks sad. You sure have some handsome boys I must say. I definitely like each of their looks.

Where do you take them?

Ryan Smart said...

Man...you are going to have spme trouble come high school with these three! Such good looking boys! And I love how they all have such serious faces and that they all look so different but yet so much the same!

Erica said...

Some trouble. And that was me not Ryan.

nikki said...

Carter's hair has always been the blondest. Jake's hair was that color up until he was about 2 1/2 or so but then started to get darker. Dylan's was always a little more strawberry in color with great highlights but it used to be a little lighter too.

Thanks guys - I think they're pretty cute myself.

Ames - there is a place in Phoenix called Cool Cuts 4 Kids. Bertha (yes, Bertha) gives the best haircuts.

Cortney Clegg said...

haha! All three boys have this "I'm good lookin' and I know it" look. (or maybe that's their bummed out look). Either way, it's cute!

JaMie HeApS said...

handsome little devils. the new dews look school worthy.

Ashley Bruggeman said...

such handsome boys!

Mimi said...

Three very handsome boys!!!

Larsen Family said...

You are a great photographer! Sorry I was checking out Alicias blog and saw your name. Very cute.