
bath time

I love me a four year old in a towel skirt.


Amy said...

You are on a role girl! Love that Carter! For some reason this picture makes me want to tickle him.

Carrie said...

what a cutie:) those are some good muscles too! he looks so tall.

JaMie HeApS said...

check out those guns... or should i say CANNONS!! love the new carpet, looks so good, now i just need a sniff of it to get the full effect.

Mimi said...

Ladies Man!

Sarah said...

Love the flex! He's looking so grown up.

Erica said...

So grown up! My gosh! Love him and the new plush carpet!

Ashley Elizabeth said...

I just love Carter. He is to adorable for words. Is that what Dad does when he gets out of the shower?

That carpet looks so plush! How fun!