
take me out to the ballgame

With the last game of the season happening tonight, I thought it was finally time to post some of the pictures I've been taking of Jake playing baseball this year. He's had such a great season that it's hard to know where to begin. First and foremost, he has had so much fun, learned a lot and turned into a full-fledged baseball fan. Every time we turn around, he's watching baseball on T.V. and he is always wanting to go play catch or hit when he has free time. Coach Brown has been a great coach for Jake and the Phillies. He finds a great balance of being serious and competitve while also having fun and being positive with the kids. Jake has worked hard this year and has seemed to thrive on being pushed a little harder than he has been in the past. And of course, it's always fun to be on a team that wins more than they lose.

Jake has been their lead-off hitter for the second half of the season. Before that, he usually batted 5th. Lead-off has been a good spot for him - he seems to be good at getting his team started off with some hits. He has seen a lot of improvements in his batting. Last game he hit his first home run! And the game before that he had a 3 hits - one of which was a triple. It has been exciting for us to watch. Lots of embarrassing screaming and jumping up and down.

He also plays second base pretty much exclusively. He doesn't always see a lot of action there but he's made several great pop fly catches and is a great cut-off for the outfield when they're trying to get the ball home. We are really excited for Jake - it is fun to see him really enjoying himself! And can I just tell you how nice it is for me to have Dylan and Carter a little older this year so that I can actually watch a game?


Mimi said...

You are such a proud Mom! I love it. With three boys you have lot's of games in the future. Can't wait to see more pictures.

Amy said...

I thought Jake was pitching too? You got some great pictures, gotta love that camera! How can you all be out there in the heat?! COngrats on the home run, that's so cool! What a little sports player. He's so good at everything he does!

Julee said...

WOW what a slugger!!! :) I love watching baseball...and I bet it's even funner when it is your boy!!!!! :) Great action pictures!! You are a pro!!

Erica said...

I love his serious face! It is the best! I want to come out just so I can watch him in a game! I bet it is so fun watching your little boy do so well! I am glad that he is liking so much, maybe this will be what he sticks with. I am always so interested to see what each kid ends up doing. Can't wait to see you in a week!

Andrea said...

Those are great shots! Glad that Jake had a great season! Something for us to hope for! T-ball for us was painful this year....

Carrie said...

What a cutie! And you did great taking pictures! Nice angles and closeups:) So fun that he's at the age/level where he can really work on stuff and push himself to improve and get into the game! And watch on TV too...super cute. Wish we could all be there cheering him on!

Karen M. said...

We feel so sad that we didn't get to see one game this year. We will have to plan better next year. Jake looks so darn grown up and how neat that he takes this game so seriously but still has fun. It is exciting to be on a team that wins more than loses-good job Phillies!

Ashley Elizabeth said...

Yay Jake! That is so exciting. And for sure it is always way more fun to be on a winning team! Super cute shots, he looks so serious!

Ashley Bruggeman said...

Congrats to Jake! What an athlete (just like his mom and dad!) I hear he is an all-star? I wish we could see a game...

Cortney Clegg said...

Yay Jake! Love the intense game face in that first picture. :) I think boys just look so cute in baseball gear...By the way, did you get a new camera cause these pics are awesome!

Donette said...

What a little stud you have there! He seems like he is so awesome at like every single sport - takes after his dad! Those are some fun pics! Love the boys in a uniform!

Sarah said...

Way to go Jake! Sounds like you had a great season.

Mimi said...

Hey Nik...Where have you been! It's been forever!!!!