

I sorta got tagged by Lynette and thought I'd participate. Enjoy! (or not.)
8 favorite TV shows

1. Jon and Kate plus 8

2. Project Runway

3. So You Think You Can Dance

4. The Rachel Zoe Project

5. What Not to Wear

6. Um, that’s it because I just usually watch whatever is on since I’m the only person in the world without DVR and also I’m boring.

8 Things I did yesterday

1. Cleaned up after the kids left for school and did laundry.

2. Had a headache most of the morning – I think I’m trying to get sick.

3. Went to Target and to lunch with Kameron.

4. Got the kids from school and enjoyed the gorgeous weather as I walked.

5. Finished helping to decorate the ward’s Veteran’s day parade float.

6. The kids were at Parent’s Night Out for preschool (thanks Mechelle!) so Patrick and I got to get some dinner and ice cream by our own selves.

7. Picked up the house because friends are coming to watch the parade.

8. Read Real Simple before I went to sleep.

8 Things I Look Forward To

1. Veteran’s Day – school’s out!

2. Thanksgiving trip home to CA to see my family – yay!!

3. Christmas.

4. All the holiday food and get-togethers.

5. Getting to wear jeans.

6. Watching Dylan’s kindergarten program on Friday.

7. Going to lunch with friends on Wednesday.

8. Hawaii in April.

8 Favorite Restaurants

1. Ruth’s Chris

2. Chipotle

3. Boudin Bakery/Panera Bread

4. Chili’s

5. Round Table Pizza

6. P.F. Chang’s/Pei Wei

7. Togo’s

8. Macaroni Grill

Wait, I’m not even close to being done!

8 Things on my wish list

1. A pool.

2. Fresh paint for the inside and outside of my house.

3. More vacations – I would love to travel lots.

4. More time with my husband!

5. Yoga class every day.

6. All my siblings and parents to live closer to me.

7. Someone to clean toilets.

8. More shoes.
I'm supposed to tag 8 people but I won't be grumpy if you don't play along. This is the first tag I've ever completed! However, I would love to hear from Riley (newbie blogger!), Camie, Kameron, Jessica, Cortney, Julee, Maryann and Erica - and anyone else who wants to give us a little peek at your day!
Happy Monday!


Donette said...

Yah! That was fun reading all that stuff about you! It's always a pain to think about and do, but I know everyone else enjoys it! You are not boring and still not the only one without DVR - I don't think my mom has it! j/k

Lynnette said...

You're so awesome for doing this, even when I didn't really tag you! I'm so glad that you and Patrick got some dinner and ice cream by your own selves! Sometimes you just gotta go without the kids!!

Amy said...

There is no way I could narrow my favorite restaurants either. I like all of yours. I look forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving too!

Mimi said...

Seriously I am so addicted to the Rachel Zoe Project...one show and I was hooked! Hawaii...so jealous!! Boudin...I would live in their kitchen if I could. Tomatoe soup everyday. Oh the shoes I would buy if I hundrends and hundreds to spend. I guess I'll just have to keep dreaming:)Give me call when if you have some spare time when your in CA, lunch date?????

jewly said...

It is all about Ruth Chris and So You Think You can Dance. I don't have a DVR either. I miss it.

Cortney Clegg said...

Quite the busy bee! I had fun reading about your day...When I watch Tv it's mostly Bravo & TLC too! Love those shows!

Sydney said...

Hey Nikki! I don't know if I could think of so many things about myself. hahhaha

Go Esme's! When you take the quiz and get your results, scroll down and you will see a box with 'computer talk' which is the link. Copy it and paste it into a new post and it will come up as the quiz.

Anonymous said...

Finally a tag! You should do more. And PS we don't have a DVR either!

Erica said...

So I guess I got to get to work today! Well it should be fub because I've never been tagged before! Love all your shows and resturants...there will be lots of repeats on my post.