
Birthday Boy and Soccer Star

I know.
No, I know. How can it be possible that this baby of mine is five years old?
Yes, his hair is also five miles long.
These are his new books from Grandma and Grandpa Motley.

This is Flappy. He is the only pet our family can handle. To the left is Dylan's handmade sign that identifies that this is indeed Flappy the fish.

At the end of a treasue hunt is a big boy's bike!! He's been riding without training wheels for a good three months now, after learning to ride on Jake's tiny "Crocodile" bike that was a hand-me-down before Jake got it. Now he has a shiny new one of his very own.

We spent the morning showing him his baby pictures and talking about the day he was born. I love this little guy who is getting so big way too fast.

Here's Dyl playing soccer. He was so fun to watch because he loves to run! He was always out there in front trying to get to that ball. He scored a ton of goals this season but we later figured out this was likely due to being the oldest kid on the team.

This game was one of the two they lost. One of our teammates Grandpa's pointed out to our kids that they were getting beat by a bunch of girls.

We're on to T-ball now to see if he likes playing baseball too.


Carrie said...

Alrighty...how did you go from now knowing how to post to having a picture in your header? I've been trying to have that on mine for forever! I was just telling Amy that I wanted that...my trouble is that the picture was always huge and stuck outside of the header box lines...and off the page. So how'd you do that lady?

As for Dylan turning 5...oh goodness. I remember having such a hard time realizing that Jake was that old and now Jake's about to get baptized and then before we know it, Ryan will be 5 too! What? I love flappy. How long have you guys had him?

Yea yea...i know...looong comment:) Just so excited after the anticipation for your blog!

Amy said...

I'm not even joking, I was getting choked up when I was reading about you showing Dylan his baby pictures and telling him about when he was born. What a fun tradition. He is such a special boy. I can't believe how old my nephews are. Yeah, how did you size your picture?

Amy said...

PS why do they make the goal so small?

nikki said...

I don't know where else to answer your comments so I'll do it here! :) I don't know how I got the header to work, I just put it in there. If you look at my friend Meghann Jones' blog, her's looks waaay better. I want mine to look like that. Maybe my camera just has the pics sized different than yours...?

I know, my kids are huge. An 8 and a 5 year old! Geez. I should have been more clear - Flappy was one of Dylan's birthday presents.

Ame, I think the goals are small because they don't have goalies yet. So it has to be a little harder to get the ball in! Cute, huh?

Carrie said...

Sweet bike! Growing up I always wanted a Mongoose, I'm jealous right now. I loved my Schwinn Thrasher, but it was no mongoose. How stoked is Dylan, he even got 5 spoke bmx rims, lucky!

Fun to see pictures of you guys...
Love you,

P.S. Your blog doesn't allow people to leave comments if you don't have an account. You should change that so I don't have to be Carrie.