
Back among the living...

How to do this without whining? I am feeling almost all the way back to normal after what I think I would call the worst illness of my life. Not totally sure what kind of virus I had but the doctor thinks it was possibly viral meningitis. Isn't that a scary sounding word? Basically, it boils down to that it felt like a horrible flu that wouldn't go away. I think I spent 10 days in bed which is hard when you're the mom. My hubby and my kids rock - they helped so much. I really appreciate every one's love and concern and it really did help to know there were family and friends thinking of me and praying for me.

The kicker of it all was that we didn't get to go to CA for Thanksgiving. No visiting my mom and dad's remodeled house, no new niece snuggling, no Amy belly seeing, no game playing and eating, no laughing and hanging out with my wonderful fam. At first, I was too sick to think about it. Now I'm so sad. I am glad that we get to go to Camryn's blessing this weekend and see part of my family. I am missing Mike and Amy and Owen and Chris and Lindsay and Hudson (Thanks so much guys for all you did for my kids while I was sick. They loved coming to visit). I hope to see you all as soon as I can.

Our Thanksgiving wasn't bad though. How lucky are we to have such great friends that have us to dinner and don't mind when I spend the day on the couch. The food was great and the company even better. I stole this cute pic from Riley's blog.
We enjoyed a lot of Watson family time as well. It is always great when Patrick has time off. He works so hard and it's so fun to have him home. I am grateful for many things this time of year but right now I am super grateful that I am back among the living! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!


jewly said...

I am sorry to hear that you were sick and didn't get to go to CA. I hope you are feeling better and get to see your family soon.

Elder Tyler Mumford said...

We know what you mean about missing family! We are just glad that we have awesome friends like you guys! We are glad that you came over on Thanksgiving!

Amy said...

I'm glad you are among the living also. I have to admit when I found out I acted very selfishly. I just wanted to see you so badly! But first things first, I'm glad you got the care you needed. You have such a wonderful family and friends who took good care of you. We were definitely missing you. Owen missed his cousins (he learned all their names!). So we'll have to plan on spending most of the summer together!

Mel said...

Hey Nikki, sorry to hear that you were sick during the holidays. I had viral meningitis three years ago. It's a nasty illness. Hope you're getting better.

Our Little Family said...

So sorry to hear that you were sick, praying that you will continue to feel better. We were missing our friends over Thanksgiving but very blessed to be with our family.

Brittany said...

Hey! Im soooo sorry you got sick! We just had a 48 hour flu pass through our family. But i dont think it wuz nearly as bad as yours! Feel better! Im glad you had a good thanksgiving! Luv ya!

Erica said...

We are SO glad you are better! We missed you guys SO much! You have to be so grateful for your health after that! I am so glad you got your activity changed. Now don't let Patrick's thing get in the way!

Cortney Clegg said...

Yay for being all better- sounds like you had good support. :) That stinks about missing the trip to CA...are you guys going there for Christmas? (And just so you know, as soon as I am done with this comment, I am gonna go call the people on my list. I'm excited- it should be fun!!)

Anonymous said...

Ooooh yucky! Viral menigitis is a bad one to pick up. I have been seeing it a bit more this month at the hospital. Glad you are feeling better!

Zoo Keeper said...

I heard you were sick! I am so sorry that it messed up your plans. I'm glad you are feeling better. Hope to see you soon!

Carrie said...

I was like Amy too. A bit selfish wishing you guys were coming...but also was thinking like you if you weren't so ill! I knew you would come if it was at all possible. And it is so telling how terribly sick you were that you didn't really care that you weren't coming until it was all over:( We so missed all of you! We talked about you tons if it helps. We get to hitch a ride to Camryn's blesing and we're so excited you guys get to go!!! That sorta helps.

You guys have awesome friends! Thank heavens - especially being so far away from family.

OH!!! And the raps the boys created with Uncle Chris were
HIL-ARIOUS! Go Dyl-meister!

Mimi said...

Oh so sad you didn't make it home. Even sadder you felt so crummy! Hope you are feeling better:)

Kameron Luster and Jordan Nikolaus said...

I am so glad you are all better! Your fam looks like they all really wanted you to get better and go to CA, but it also sounds like you had fun with at the mumfords! I love your cute little family! :)

Brittany said...
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Brittany said...

Hey! I just wanted to tell you that i FINALLY sent you an invite to my blog. Cant wait to hear from ya! Luv ya!

Shantel Palmer said...

I am so sorry you were so sick and hope you are feeling much better now.

Sarah said...

I'm so sorry you were sick, and had to miss your trip! I hope you get to go back and visit soon. What a great family to help out!!

Jessica said...

Nikki, that must have been frightening to be hit so hard with illness. I'm glad to hear that you have gotten well! It's too bad that you had to cancel your trip to California. I know how hard it can be to miss family, especially around the holidays.

Hey, I'm wondering if I could get your e-mail address. Mine is jesskrohn@hotmail.com.

Ashley Bruggeman said...

I am so glad that you are FINALLY feeling better! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas...