
Hooray for School!

I still have tons of vacation stuff to post but I thought I'd put up my kids' first day of school first. We got back to Arizona in just in time for Meet the Teacher night and to grab school supplies. What a great summer vacation! The boys were so excited to start school and I was excited for them too, especially Dylan. He has been talking about kindergarten all summer. The morning went off without a hitch, except for Carter who didn't understand that his preschool didn't start until Wednesday and cried about it all morning. Patrick went to work a little late and was able to walk over with us.
A third grader! I can hardly believe it! I am excited for his first year of letter grades and hope he learns a lot - and has fun too!

Our kindergartner! He looks so grown-up in this picture!

Some of the neighborhood crew. We all walk over together - that's Chase and Conner in the middle. They are our good buddies. Jake is a little bummed he's not in class with Conner this year. They've been in the same class for 2 years. And Carter insisted on a backpack too.

Jake at his desk. His teacher is Mrs. Huemoeller and while I don't know her yet, she seems really organized and also really friendly and fun. Jake got a kick out of the fact that she said they were old enough to choose their own desks! Dylan posing with his big brother!

Dylan at his desk. He looks so pleased with himself! I missed him yesterday but it was hard to be too sad because he was so excited to go! He is so ready to be at kindergarten and I'm excited for him to learn lots of things this year. His teacher is Mrs. Hummel who was also Jake's kindergarten teacher. It is so awesome to have a teacher that already knows your family!

Dylan and his class attempting line-up at the bell. That's his neighbor and friend Meredith on his left. Look at all the cute little kids! Four classes of kindergarteners - wow!

The first day of school is so exciting! I can't believe that I have 2 kids in school all day and that Carter will be in preschool. Time goes by just way too fast! I know that they will have a great year and I'm just so excited for them.


Ashley Elizabeth said...

Your boys look so handsome! How fun to have two in school! How was your first day to yourself(well mostly)? Thats cool that you guys can walk to school, Ethan wishes he could! I bet you cant wait for it cool off though!

Anonymous said...

How cute is Dylan in Kindergarten now?? So big! I bet you were so anxious for them to get home and tell you EVERYTHING! I was with my kiddos, but I am kind of psycho too. I am so missing you these days!!! Carter's pre-school better not interfere with Kids Play and Park Days or else!

Erica said...

They are so big! I swear it was just in the last little while that Dylan has started looking like a little grown up boy. And Carter looks so darn cute in that picture with the three of the boys. I hope they are liking it! I know Dylan has got to love it! And I know I loved Third grade and I am sure Jake will too. Can't wait to see pictures from the summer...you can't be let off so easy you know?

Anonymous said...

WOW! They look so cute! How did they do on their first day? Mine isn't until next monday. Wish me luck!

Luv ya lots!

Karen M. said...

You got some great pictures! The boys look so happy to be starting their adventure. What sweethearts! Oh to be young again! I miss them so much but I'm glad they will soon be busy with fun school stuff.

Unknown said...

Cute pics!! Kindergarten is treating Will good too. :)

Carrie said...

What cuties! We love you guys and miss you! I'm excited for their new year too! Pretty funny how these boys are getting so old!

Carrie said...

ps...I'm sooo excited for our first day...that seems soo far away!

Donette said...

Yah! How fun! The boys are looking so old! I can't believe you are going to have some hours a day without any kids! You lucky duck! Have fun with that! Cole is loving kindergarten so far - hopefully he still feels the same in a few months! We miss you guys and need to plan to meet up soon!

Lynnette said...

Glad that your boys had a good first day. You'll have to let me know how it is to have time all to yourself while Carter is at preschool!

Brittany said...

Hey! I have made my own blog and was wondering if I could add you onto it. Thanks.

jewly said...

Your boys look so cute and so grown up. Now you will have some time to your self. Think of all the posibilities. Congrats on the sucessful first day of school.

Anonymous said...

Was just thinking tonight...I wonder if Nikki has put any first day of school photos up on the blog yet? And I was so excited they were there! The picture of Jake by himself on the stairs is totally Pat - I mean, IDENTICAL faces at that age. Dylan does look so pleased & proud to be there (not a nervous bone in his body!) He's such the social dude.. can I help run his campaign when he runs for school president??
We LOVED having you here with us in Seattle - miss you guys already! Love, Aunt Kim

Anonymous said...

Hey it's good to hear from you! I was starting to think y'all melted from the heat down there! :)

Looks like a great first day! We are counting down until school here... only six days! Yippie!