
Kindergarten...here we come!!

It's official! Dylan has graduated from preschool and we had a cute evening "ceremony" to celebrate it. Here's Dylan and Miss Mechelle. She is just the best preschool teacher and Dylan has had a great 2 years with her. She declared these boys most definitely ready for kindergarten!That's right - just boys! These four boys are the first graduating class for Serendipity Preschool. Mia and Mandy, the other students in their class, have another year before they head off to kindergarten. We presented this photo to Mechelle so she can hang it up at school. It's so adorable! Will, Dylan, Tyler and Adam
This is the cute backdrop Lisa made that the boys sat in front of during the program. Lisa McGee, Tyler's mom, hosted the ceremony at her home, and of course she did it up "Lisa-style" as only she can! I love the serious picture followed by the crazy one. Could he be any cuter, holy cow! Dylan is waiting to lead the processional.
Such serious boys. Mechelle said she was worried they would be crazy because she said they were so silly when they practiced the program at school. Dylan didn't even crack a smile - he takes this graduation stuff seriously!
Miss Mechelle had a lot of really great things to say about our kids and I loved how you could tell how much she enjoyed teaching these boys. She said their finest quality was that they all really knew how to be true friends and were so good to each other. What more could a parent ask for? She presented them with a diploma, their classes' favorite book, and a slide show DVD of pictures from the past 2 years. Priceless! I couldn't help missing Cole Monsen, Dylan's good buddy who moved just a couple of months ago. I wish he could have been there but it was so fun to see all the sweet pictures of these good friends. Donette and Tyler - we'll have to burn you a copy!
Dylan, Adam and Tyler - such good buddies.
Lisa's cake talents! She also put together a gift bag for the boys that had kindergarten school supplies, a sweet treat and this awesome shirt!Needless to say, they loved it and put it on right away for a really nice picture.

And...then a picture that captures their true selves!!
Thanks for a great party, Lisa!
Thanks so much for a great 2 years, Miss Mechelle! We're so happy you were able to help Dylan learn so many things and he loved preschool so much. Thanks for helping to instill in him what is hopefully a lifetime of loving to learn!


Sally said...

What a ceremony! I can't believe Dylan is going to K. I love LOVE the pic of all the boys that you gave to Mechelle. Such great little personalities!

Anonymous said...

How fun! What a nice graduation. They didn't do anything like that when my kids were in Preschool in NY. Things are so different there! No fluff whatsoever! I love Lisa's cake and the T-shirts are adorable. She is so awesome and just thinks of everything!!! Congrats Dylan!!!

Amy said...

Congrats Dyl! He looks so grown up! It's so nice that he has close buddies (that are good boys) too. I hope when Owen is ready for pre-school, we can find an awesome place like you did.

Carrie said...

Wow! What a ceremony! It is really cute that there is such a close group of buddies! Anthem is close to heaven I think:) Congrats Dyl!

Zoo Keeper said...

Congrats Dylan! This made me sad... my boys would of been in that class too! WOW! She seems like an awesome teacher! And Lisa... you rock! Check out the awesome party you threw! LOVE THE T-SHIRTS!! It makes me miss our awesome ANTHEM friends!

Donette said...

Oh how fun! That looks like a great party we definitely missed out on!:( I'm sad we weren't able to stay through the end of the year. For sure burn me a copy of the pics.

If you guys get bored we are always open to some swimming buddies!

Karen M. said...

I don't think Dylan could look any cuter! What a grown up, special boy! Can't wait to give him my own hug soon!

Erica said...

Oh cute! I love Preschool graduation! It is so funny how old he looks because years from now we are going to look back and think he is so little! It goes by too fast. I love that they make such a production for the 4 boys...so fun for them! Congrats dyls!

Julee said...

Yay go Dylan!!!!!!! He is so cute!! I love all of the shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are way too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm BACK into the blogging world. Sorry about the LOA.

What an awesome preschool teacher! SHe sounds so fun. I love the picture of all the boys wrestling.

Kendra said...

So cute Nikki, your boys are so adorable.

Jessica said...

Happy Graduation Dylan!

Those boys have grown up so much! Can't believe it!